Before Thefitsall


During the height of the pandemic in 2020, I felt extremely cooped up, bored, and a bit crazy. I took advantage of my extra free time and began to embrace my artsy side. 

I found an iPad on Facebook Marketplace for $200, and a couple weeks later my friend linked me to an unopened Cricut Maker for $250. It felt like fate! I was going to make stickers out of my silly little doodles.

My etsy store was born! I called it, "peachiecheex". It was my way of navigating uncertain times, channeling my passion for creating into something tangible. 

Peachiecheex began as an outlet for my love of stickers and doodles, but it quickly evolved into much more. From painting flowerpots, to experimenting with t-shirt designs and even delving into crystal wrapping, I explored various avenues of creativity. 

For a few months, I was very motivated to create. I managed 66 etsy sales and broke even on all my equipment and materials! I was on a high. When I decided to move to Florida, my life became much busier. I had a full time theme park job and my priorities changed.

Pretty quickly, I experienced burnout. My spark dimmed. I became pregnant, and moved back home. A year after peachiecheex was born, it was dead. I got an email to renew my website domain, but never even made a website! I cancelled the domain, and decided to put my etsy store to rest until I was ready to try again.

Two years later in the beginnings of 2023, I felt the stirrings of inspiration once again. But as I revisited peachiecheex, I realized that it no longer encapsulated my vision. I craved something more versatile, something that could cater to diverse tastes and interests. And thus, Thefitsall was born—a small business endeavor dedicated to providing creative art for all!

Thefitsall—a name that encapsulates my desire to break free from constraints and offer something for everyone. It embodies the essence of inclusivity and adaptability. But a name alone wasn’t enough; I needed a visual identity to match.

For six weeks, I immersed myself in the creative process, experimenting with various logo designs and color palettes. It was a labor of love, fueled by passion and determination. And when I finally landed on the perfect logo—a vibrant representation of Thefitsall ethos—I knew I had found my stride.

With Thefitsall, my mission is clear: to spread happiness through art for everyone. Whether it’s a whimsical doodle or a vibrant digital illustration, each piece is crafted with the intention of bringing joy to those who encounter it. It’s more than just aesthetics; it’s about connecting with others on a deeper level.

The journey from peachiecheex to Thefitsall has been one of growth, resilience, and self-discovery. It’s a reminder that change is not only inevitable but necessary for personal and creative evolution. To anyone feeling stuck in a rut, I urge you to embrace change, to trust in the process, and to never underestimate the power of your own journey.

Remember to document your progress, no matter how small, and celebrate each milestone along the way. Your journey is unique, and every step forward is a testament to your resilience and determination.

By sharing your story and experiences, you not only inspire others but also remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Here’s to embracing change, chasing dreams, and creating a future filled with endless possibilities.